algunas canciones, I

leo: eps de hace dos semanas
veo: gala de los Goya (oh sorpresa)
oigo: The Smiths, There's a light that never goes out
Tengo mucha tendencia a la idolatría integral y de por vida en lo que se refiere a la música, pero no es este caso. Aunque es una de mis canciones favoritas.
Take me out tonight/Where there's music and there's people/And they're young and alive/Driving in your car/I never never want to go home/Because I haven't got one/Anymore/Take me out tonight/Because I want to see people and I/Want to see life/Driving in your car/Oh, please don't drop me home/Because it's not my home, it's their/Home, and I'm welcome no more//And if a double-decker bus/Crashes into us/To die by your side/Is such a heavenly way to die/And if a ten-ton truck/Kills the both of us/To die by your side/Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine//Take me out tonight/Take me anywhere, I don't care/I don't care, I don't care/And in the darkened underpass/I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last/(But then a strange fear gripped me and I/Just couldn't ask)/Take me out tonight/Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care/I don't care, I don't care/Driving in your car/I never never want to go home/Because I haven't got one, da .../Oh, I haven't got one//And if a double-decker bus(...)//Oh, There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out/There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out/There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out/There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out...
Me gusta escucharla mientras conduzco de noche. Es una sencilla canción pop aparentemente inofensiva y fácil de tararear. A veces la he cantado mientras las luces de los almacenes y las fábricas hieren el arcén, o entre la niebla casi sólida que sale del río. Otras (las menos) me he atrevido a cantársela a alguien que conducía.
Siempre procurando que no me entendiera. O que siguiera pensando que es una sencilla canción pop fácil de tararear y que se parece mucho a las de Mikel Erentxun.
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